Walking the Forest Path, Vol. 1 - Presale
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Walking the Forest Path is a companion for those ready to deepen their ceremonial study. It is a compilation of transmissions and teachings born out of the ritual space, inviting readers into a place of deep listening and contemplation. Blending wisdom with poetic, meditative inquiry, this book explores themes of presence, Nonduality, impermanence, and the dissolution of identity, contextualising these concepts with the Forest Path’s sacramental use of Ayahuasca. In Jayaji’s characteristic style, each page resonates with the silent transmission of realisation, carrying the reader into the spacious clarity of direct experience. Walking the Forest Path is an invitation to pause, to listen, and to remember what has been there all along.
“The medicine person—medicine man or woman—the mystic has been called someone who sees far, a wider perspective, the periphery. While the ordinary person sees things, objects, the material world, and manifestation, the mystic sees the space between things. While the ordinary person sees things, the mystic sees that all things come from one thing and that one thing is not a thing. And therefore there are no things. There is just one being that all is the manifestation of. There is nothing separate. It is non-duality, oneness, unity. How could anything exist outside of existence? You cannot stand apart or stand on top of it. You’re not different from it.
The masters have told us that our problems and our suffering is the belief in separation.
Take a moment and take off that belief.
Let existence be.
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Shipping of books is anticipated to be executed before the end of March 2025.